Saturday 10 August 2024


"Ump" strikes me as having an unusual, short and distinctive sound and so I thought I'd look at some words that end in "ump". Here is what I came up with, helped a little by Google's Gemini: 

  • bump as in "he has a bump on his head" --> "dia mempunyai benjolan di kepalanya" where "benjol" means a lump or a bump. However, "he bumped his head" --> "dia membenturkan kepalanya" where "bentur" means "collide" and "benturan" means "collision".

  • chump best translates as "orang bodoh" although one always has to be careful when translating a phrase like "chump change", an informal expression used to describe a very small amount of money that is considered insignificant. It implies that the sum is so small it's hardly worth mentioning. The best translation might be "uang receh" meaning small change.

  • clump as in "The radiotherapy caused his hair to fall out in clumps" translates as "radioterapi menyebabkan rambutnya rontok" where "rontok" means to fall out but the translation fails to describe how it is falling out viz. "in clumps". Another sample sentence might be "the bacteria clumped together under the microscope" translates as "bakteri berkumpul di bawah mikroskop" where "kumpul" means "to gather.

  • dump as in "he dumped the garbage in the bin" translates as "dia membuang sampah ke tempat sampah" but saying "this place is a dump" best translates "tempat ini adalah sangat jorok" or "tempat ini adalah sangat rusak" depending on the context.

  • frump is a derogatory term used to describe "an unattractive woman who wears dowdy old-fashioned clothes" and so Google's translation of "orang jorok" is not accurate. The translation of the previous phrase is "seorang wanita tidak menarik yang memakai pakaian kuno yang lusuh" but there's probably an Indonesian word that does the job. I just know what it is. According to Google's Gemini, such a word does not exist.

  • grump describes a person who is grumpy (bad-tempered and irritable) but the Indonesian translation is "pemarah" which is simply an angry person and this is clearly not accurate. While a grump may be habitually angry, the anger is often not openly displayed and appears more as constant irritability.

  • gump describes "a foolish or dull-witted person", personified perfectly by the character of Forrest Gump. It's hard to find an equivalent word in Indonesian but "orang bodoh" will have to suffice. This word was used earlier to describe a chump.

  • hump as in "the camel had two humps" translates as "unta itu mempunyai dua punuk" although the word can be used in less literal senses of course.

  • jump translates as "melompat" if you jump over a puddle but not if you "jump the queue", "jump start a car" or "jump to conclusions".

  • lump translates as "gumpalan" in the sense of a small, raised area on the body but not if you lump things together.

  • mump is an obsolete word that used to mean "grimace" but is now used in the plural as mumps to describe a viral infection that affects the salivary glands" and is translated in Indonesian as "penyakit gondok".

  • pump is simply translated as "pompa".

  • plump translates as "orang montok"

  • rump translates as "pantat".

  • sump can mean "a pit or hollow in which liquid collects, especially one in the floor of a mine or basement" or "the base of an internal combustion engine, which serves as a reservoir of oil for the lubrication system". The translation might be "bak penampungan" meaning "collection tank" (a more general term) or "sumur resapan" meaning "infiltration well" and is more specific to water collection.

  • slump translates as "merosot" meaning "decline, degenerate, sink, slip, dwindle". One might say "don't slump, sit up straight in your chair" and this would translate as "jangan merosot, duduklah tegak di kursimu".

  • stump is translated one way as "tunggul" as in "the stump of the tree was difficult to remove from the garden" which translates as "tunggul pohon itu sulit dicabut dari kebun".

  • thump translates as "bentur". For example, "dia membenturkan dadanya seperti gorila dan terlihat cukup menakutkan" which translates as "he thumped his chest like a gorilla and looked quite scary".

  • trump in the sense of the card suit translates as "truf" which is of Dutch origin. The sentence "the player announced that hearts were trumps in this game" translates as "pemain mengumumkan bahwa hati adalah kartu truf dalam game ini".

  • whump is a "dull or muffled thudding sound" that translates, perhaps not all that accurately, as "pukulan".

    MG 6R4 flies over the "yump" on a rally stage 

  • yump means "to leave the ground when driving at high speed over a ridge". I'd never heard of this word. 

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