Monday 28 November 2016

Stoodle and Web Whiteboard

Reading Richard Byrne's Free Technology for Teachers site the other day, I was reminded of Stoodle that provides a free whiteboard that is shareable and downloadable. You don't even have to register to use the site, all that's required is the URL that's generated and which is passed on to the participants. It can be used in mobile browsers on Android and iOS where the touch screen capability makes the whiteboard even more useful. Just one of tools to bear in mind when the occasion requires the use of such a tool.

You can also use Google Hangouts to create a whiteboard by going to a site called Web Whiteboard and clicking on the Google Hangouts icon. Again, you don't need to sign up to Web Whiteboard but the boards only last for 21 days before they're wiped. If you sign up, the boards are permanent but the cost is $8 a month.

Here's a video describing how to do it.