Thursday 23 March 2023

WiFi Connectivity Problems with LinuxMint

I found that if I use my laptop in the bedroom where the signal strength is about 50% then the WiFi constantly prompts me for the password which should be automatically stored. Once supplied, I'm often prompted again and again and again. Sometimes it's satisfied but only for a while, then the prompts begins again.

The problem doesn't occur as much where the signal strength is stronger. I turned to Linux Forums and discovered the following suggested fix:

sudo sed -i 's/3/2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/*

echo "options rtl8723be ips=N" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be.conf

After entering this into the terminal and rebooting, all seems well. No more prompts. Fingers crossed that the problem doesn't recur. Oops, just as I typed this the problem did recur. Well, sort off. The connection dropped briefly and then restored itself without prompting me for a password. I can handle those sorts of transient disruptions if they're not too frequent. 

What I'll do is to get on with my normal workflow and I'll report back on what's transpired in an hour or so. It's now 10:51pm ... so it 12:14am and the WiFi did drop out a couple of times but it soon reconnected and I was never once prompted for my password. While things are not ideal, I must say that overall I can live with the current minor disruptions.

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