Tuesday 4 April 2023

Five New Indonesian Words

These five words have emerged from KATLA recently. I asked ChatGPT to define these words and use them in sentences.


I've come across the following Indonesian words recently. They are "bobol", "jubin", "benak", "rancu" and "belia". Can you define each of these words?


Sure, I'd be happy to help define these Indonesian words for you!

"Bobol" is a verb that means "to break into" or "to penetrate". It can be used in various contexts, such as when referring to burglars breaking into a house or hackers breaking into a computer system.

"Jubin" refers to "tiles" or "floor tiles" in Indonesian. It is commonly used when referring to ceramic or porcelain tiles that are used to cover floors, walls, or roofs.

"Benak" is a noun that means "the brain" or "the mind". It can also refer to someone's intelligence or mental capacity.

"Rancu" is an adjective that means "confused" or "unclear". It is used to describe a situation, thought, or idea that is difficult to understand or lacks clarity.

"Belia" is an adjective that means "young" or "youthful". It is often used to describe someone who is in their teenage years or early adulthood, or something that is new or fresh.


I've come across the following Indonesian words recently. They are "bobol", "jubin", "benak", "rancu" and "belia". Can you use each word in a sentence with an English translation accompanying it.


Sure, I'd be happy to help you with that. Here are some example sentences using each of the Indonesian words you mentioned, along with their English translations:


Maling berhasil bobol pintu rumah dan mencuri barang berharga. 

(Thief successfully broke into the house and stole valuable items.)

Kami khawatir akan adanya upaya bobol lagi di masa depan. 

(We're worried about the possibility of another break-in attempt in the future.)


Lantai kamar mandi terbuat dari jubin keramik. 

(The bathroom floor is made of ceramic tiles.)

Toko itu menjual berbagai macam jubin untuk dinding dan lantai. 

(The store sells various types of tiles for walls and floors.)


Saya harus merenungkan masalah ini dengan benak yang jernih. 

(I need to think about this problem with a clear mind.)

Orang yang cerdas memiliki benak yang tajam dan kritis. 

(Intelligent people have sharp and critical minds.)


Argumentasi yang dia sampaikan sangat rancu dan sulit dipahami. 

(The argument he presented was very confusing and difficult to understand.)

Pikiran saya sedang rancu dan sulit untuk fokus pada tugas yang sedang saya kerjakan. 

(My mind is confused and it's difficult to focus on the task at hand.)


Siswa belia itu sangat rajin belajar dan berprestasi di sekolah. 

(The young student is very diligent and excels in school.)

Dalam kebudayaan Jawa, belia dipandang sebagai masa transisi antara masa anak-anak dan dewasa. 

(In Javanese culture, "belia" is seen as a transitional period between childhood and adulthood.)

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